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About the company

Global Energy Services, Ltd. has many years of experience with operation, regular maintenance and service of energy production facilities using renewable energy sources. The company is a part of WEON Group, plc., under which Green Energy Slovakia Ltd. ensures development and implementation of projects on using renewable energy sources to produce electricity. Between 2003 and 2004 Green energy Slovakia Ltd. implemented and launched 3 wind parks with the total power capacity of 5.14 MW. From 2010 to 2011 the company implemented and launched 16 photovoltaic power plants with the power capacity from 0.585 MWp to 1.200 MWp and the total power capacity is 15.045 MWp. In 2013 the company implemented and launched 2 biogas plants with the total power capacity of 1.998 MW.

Currently, we are operating 23 energy production facilities with the total power capacity of 27.18 MW.



Currently, we are operating 23 energy production facilities with the total power capacity of 27.18 MW.

Solar Energy

Solar Energy


Consists of two individual parts with the installed output of 0,999 MWp and 1.2 MWp, each with its own connection point to the distribution system. 29.360 thin-film photovoltaic panels FirstSolar are installed in the solar park with the total installed output of 2,199 MWp.
The park stretches on an area of 76.500 m2.
Predicted annual production of electricity is 2.350.000 kWh.
Produced electricity covers the annual consumption of 560 households.
By switching over to solar electricity production, 1.645 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annually.
Solar park was launched in 2010.

PV plant LIŠOV

7,750 thin-film photovoltaic panels FirstSolar are installed in the solar park with the total installed output of 0.585 MWp.
The park stretches on an area of 20 961 m2.
Predicted annual production of electricity is 2,350,000 kWh.
Produced electricity covers the annual consumption of 140 households.
By switching over to solar electricity production, 410 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annually.
Solar park was launched in 2010.


10.240 thin-film photovoltaic panels QS Solar are installed in the solar park with the total installed output of 0,870 MWp.
The park stretches on an area of 57.309 m2.
Predicted annual production of electricity is 870.000 kWh.
Produced electricity covers the annual consumption of 210 households.
By switching over to solar electricity production, 610 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annually.
Solar park was launched in 2010.


13.400 thin-film photovoltaic panels FirstSolar are installed in the solar park with the total installed output of 0,999 MWp.
The park stretches on an area of 32.399 m2.
Predicted annual production of electricity is 1.100.000 kWh.
Produced electricity covers the annual consumption of 260 households.
By switching over to solar electricity production, 770 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annually.
Solar park was launched in 2010.


10.240 thin-film photovoltaic panels QS Solar are installed in the solar park with the total installed output of 0,999 MWp.
The park stretches on an area of 71.582m2.
Predicted annual production of electricity is 1.075.000 kWh.
Produced electricity covers the annual consumption of 260 households.
By switching over to solar electricity production, 750 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annually.
Solar park was launched in 2010.


Consists of four individual parts, each with the installed output of 0,999 MWp and with its own connection point to the distribution system. 51.600 thin-film photovoltaic panels FirstSolar are installed in the solar park.
The park stretches on an area of 124.385 m2.
Predicted annual production of electricity is 4.628.000 kWh.
Produced electricity covers the annual consumption of 1.110 households.
By switching over to solar electricity production, 3.240 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annually.
Solar park was launched in 2011.


12.900 thin-film photovoltaic panels FirstSolar are installed in the solar park with the total installed output of 0,999 MWp.
The park stretches on an area of 37.969 m2.
Predicted annual production of electricity is 1.157.000 kWh.
Produced electricity covers the annual consumption of 280 households.
By switching over to solar electricity production, 810 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annually.
Solar park was launched in 2011.


Consists of two individual parts, each with the installed output of 0,999 MWp and with its own connection point to the distribution system. 23.520 thin-film photovoltaic panels QS Solar are installed in the solar park with the total installed output of 0,999 MWp.
The park stretches on an area of 94.126 m2.
Predicted annual production of electricity is 2.070.000 kWh.
Produced electricity covers the annual consumption of 500 households.
By switching over to solar electricity production, 1.450 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annually.
Solar park was launched in 2011.


6.300 thin-film photovoltaic panels QS Solar and 2.244 thin-film photovoltaic panels Mitsubishi are installed in the solar park with the total installed output of 0,800 MWp.
The park stretches on an area of 31.627 m2.
Predicted annual production of electricity is 929.000 kWh.
Produced electricity covers the annual consumption of 220 households.
By switching over to solar electricity production, 650 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annually.
Solar park was launched in 2011.


6.538 thin-film photovoltaic panels QS Solar and 3.696 thin-film photovoltaic panels Mitsubishi are installed in the solar park with the total installed output of 0,999 MWp.
The park stretches on an area of 33.210 m2.
Predicted annual production of electricity is 1.116.000 kWh.
Produced electricity covers the annual consumption of 270 households.
By switching over to solar electricity production, 780 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annually.
Solar park was launched in 2011.


6.132 thin-film photovoltaic panels QS Solar and 656 thin-film photovoltaic panels Mitsubishi are installed in the solar park with the total installed output of 0,600 MWp.
The park stretches on an area of 33.148 m2.
Predicted annual production of electricity is 732.000 kWh.
Produced electricity covers the annual consumption of 170 households.
By switching over to solar electricity production, 512 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annually.
Solar park was launched in 2011.


The project consists of six distinct parts, each with installed output 0,999 MWp, with its own connection point to the distribution system with the total installed output of 2,997 MWp.
13 320 fotovoltaic polycrystalline panels Suntech are installed in the solar park.
The park stretches on an area of 94 126 m2.
Predicted annual production of elektricity is 3 489 000 kWh.
Produced elektricity covers the annual consumption of 840 households.
By switching over to solar electricity production, 2 440 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annualy.
Solar park was launched in 2011.


Pozostáva z dvoch samostatných častí, každá s výkonom 0,999 MWp a vlastným bodom pripojenia do Distribučnej sústavy.
V solárnom parku je nainštalovaných spolu 4 872 fotovoltaických tenkovrstvých panelov MASDAR s celkovým inštalovaným výkonom 2 x 0,999 MWp.
Rozprestiera sa na ploche 57 294 m2
Predpokladaná ročná výroba elektriny je 2 300 kWh.
Vyrobená elektrina pokryje spotrebu 540 domácností za rok.
Výrobou elektriny v solárnom parku dochádza k úspore 1 610 ton CO2 za rok.
Solárny park bol uvedený do prevádzky v roku 2011.


The solar park contains 2170 photovoltaic panels composed of solar cells made by MASDAR with the total power capacity of 0.890 MWp.
It occupies an area of 34,090 m2.
Estimated annual electricity production is 1130 kWh.
Electricity produced can supply 250 households per year.
Electricity production in solar parks saves 730 tons of CO2 per year.
The solar park was launched in 2011.


The solar park contains 2412 photovoltaic panels composed of solar cells made by MASDAR with the total power capacity of 0.989 MWp.
It occupies an area of 30,000 m2.
Estimated annual electricity production is 1150 kWh.
Electricity produced can supply 270 households per year.
Electricity production in solar parks saves 805 tons of CO2 per year.
The solar park was launched in 2011.


The solar park contains 2436 photovoltaic panels composed of solar cells made by MASDAR with the total power capacity of 0.999 MWp.
It occupies an area of 35,075 m2.
Estimated annual electricity production is 1150 kWh.
Electricity produced can supply 270 households per year.
Electricity production in solar parks saves 805 tons of CO2 per year.
The solar park was launched in 2011.

Wind Energy

Wind Energy

Wind Farm CEROVÁ

Consists of four windmill power stations Vestas type V 47/660, each with installed output of 0,66 MW, together 2,64 MW.
Annually produces over 5.000.000 kWh of electricity.
Produced electricity covers the annual consumption of 1.200 households.
By switching over to windmill electricity production, over 3.500 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annually.
Windmill park was launched in 2003.

Wind Farm MYJAVA, lokalita Ostrý Vrch

Consists of one windmill power station Vestas type V 39/500with installed output of 0,50 MW.
Annually produces over 1.000.000 kWh of electricity.
Produced electricity covers the annual consumption of 250 households.
By switching over to windmill electricity production, 700 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annually.
Windmill park was launched in 2004.


Consists of four windmill power stations Vestas type V 39/500, each with installed output of 0.50 MW, together 2,00 MW.
Annually produces over 1.500.000 kWh of electricity.
By switching over to windmill electricity production, 1.050 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annually.
Windmill park was launched in 2004.
In 2008 the park was closed.

Biogas Energy

Bio Energy

Biogas Koš

In this project is installed one cogeneration unit with a power of 0,999 MW with separate connection to the distribution system.
Electricity is produced from biogas made from biologic waste material.
Predicted annual production of electricity is 8 200 000 kWh.
Produced elektricity covers the annual consumption of 1900 households.
By switching over to biogas electricity production, 5740 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annualy.
Biogas plant was launched in 2013.

Zber a zhodnocovanie BRO KOKŠOV - BAKŠA

In this project is installed one cogeneration unit with a power of 0,999 MW with separate connection to the distribution system.
Electricity is produced from biogas made from waste material from animal and plant products.
Predicted annual production of electricity is 8 200 000 kWh.
Produced elektricity covers the annual consumption of 1900 households.
By switching over to biogas electricity production, 5740 tons of CO2 emissions are saved annualy.
Biogas plant was launched in 2013.



Global Energy Services, s.r.o.
Member of WEON group, a.s.
Mraziarenská 6
821 08 Bratislava